
We use Online Learning Journeys to inform and record the observations of the children which are shared with parents on a regular basis. Documents such as policies are also available to download on Tapestry 


All activities offered are there to constantly encourage and stimulate the children. We experiment with gardening, cookery, dancing, painting, sand, water, malleable materials, construction to name just a few. Every day we have a story time and outside play. We organise trips and outings linked to the planning for the term. These visits included the wildlife park and the Christmas train. If you would like more detailed information in regards to the curriculum on offer please speak to a senior member of staff.

Lunch Club

Please provide your child with a named packed lunch with easy to open containers and a cool pack.                                                       

We encourage healthy eating and respectfully ask that sweets etc be kept to a minimum. The children are encouraged to eat their sandwiches, pasta etc first before they are offered any treats.  

 As one of the most common allergies to young children is nuts, could we please ask that nut products, for example peanut butter, are not included in your child’s lunch box. Thank you  

What to bring

Nappies and wipes (if appropriate) 

Change of clothes 

Packed Lunch  

Bottles – Formula – Baby Food (if appropriate) 

Waterproof coat, Trousers, Wellies, (for outdoor play) 

Gloves, Hat, Scarf (in winter) 

Sun hat, sun cream (in summer) please apply before coming to nursery 

Comforter if required 

Water Bottle – to stay at Nursery 



Snack Time

Children are provided with a snack of fresh fruit or vegetables, milk or water.  Water is available to all of the children throughout the day 

Holiday Club

Will run out of term time apart from bank holidays, where financially viable, between the hours of 8am and 5pm and must be booked in advance. Please see the notice board for updated details of the next holiday club activities 


Closed over the Christmas period  


It is our intention to make our nursery accessible to all children and families. Waiting lists are arranged in birth order, although we take into account siblings that already attend Pennington Nursery or Pennington school and catchment area when places are limited. Although we have very strong links with Pennington School, admittance to the school is dependent on location and at the discretion of the local authority.  

A child who is tense or unhappy will not be able to play or learn properly, so it is important for parents / carers and Nursery staff to work together to help the child feel confident and secure in the group. This takes longer for some children than for others and Parents should not feel worried if their child takes a while to settle. You are more than welcome to visit Nursery with your child prior to their start date and we look forward to meeting you.  

Our open door policy enables you to come to us at any time if there are any concerns or questions you might like to discuss. We also have a parent / carer rota in the Nursery room to enable you join in with the sessions and become more involved in the setting’s routine and activities. 


Fees are payable on receipt of invoice. Fees continue to be payable if a child is absent or is off ill.                             

(See fees and bookings policy for details)  

In case of prolonged absence, parents should consult the management about fee payment. Each child’s attendance at the group is conditional upon continued payment of any necessary fees. 

Our latest Ofsted inspection can be seen on the main notice board 

Funded Hours

Big Gems (Pre school) funded sessions run from 9am to 3pm

Additional hours may be booked at a rate of £5:08 per hour - 7.30am - 6pm

(term time only)

Upon Arrival

Please sign in and wait for a member of staff to open the door for you. This is to ensure the safety of the children  

Complaints, Policies and Procedures 

All of our policies are available to view on your Tapestry in Documents, or we can download them or email to you on request.  


Please contact the nursery if your child is ill. 

Incubation periods for contagious infections can be found on the main notice board and also from the NHS website 

Sickness and diarrhea bugs are very contagious. Please DO NOT send your child to Nursery until 48 hours have elapsed since the last symptoms.